All my research on the visual cultures of contemporary Africa was defined by my collaborations with the late artist Sarenco (1945-2017). His knowledge of contemporary art from the sub-Saharan continent was exemplary. Exhibitions and publications followed our numerous trips together and culminated in various private and public collections.
An exhibition and research on mats (natte) from the Mauri and Tuareg peoples is the product of my collaboration with Raffaele Carrieri at the Altai Gallery in Milan, which houses the largest collection in the world, and with the photojournalist Pigi Cipelli, who documented images and videos of various travels. Some trips to the Mauritanian region made use of ours collaboration with the Trans-Saharan expert Fabrizio Rovella (saharamonamour); other trips to the Central Sahara and Sahel were possible in the context of different suggestions